Results for 'Moisés Moreno Medellín'

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  1.  16
    La Gesamtkunstwerk hegeliana.Moisés Moreno Medellín - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (154):226-247.
    En el presente trabajo hablaremos del desarrollo filosófico que Hegel hace de la ópera en su Estética. Para ello, haremos una breve explicación sobre las características de las dos versiones que hoy tenemos de esta obra hegeliana; esto tanto en su origen histórico como en las implicaciones teóricas de cada uno de estos textos. Posteriormente, localizaremos la ópera en cada una de las versiones de la Estética, para poder así exponer las particularidades y diferencias teóricas entre ambos materiales bibliográficos. Cabe (...)
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    Eduardo Torres Moreno, “Areté”: La nobleza de la vida. La interpretación teológica de “La vida de Moisés” de san Gregorio de Nisa. [REVIEW]Jerónimo Leal - 2014 - Augustinianum 54 (1):289-291.
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  3. Autonomy in evolution: from minimal to complex life.Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo & Alvaro Moreno - 2012 - Synthese 185 (1):21-52.
    Our aim in the present paper is to approach the nature of life from the perspective of autonomy, showing that this perspective can be helpful for overcoming the traditional Cartesian gap between the physical and cognitive domains. We first argue that, although the phenomenon of life manifests itself as highly complex and multidimensional, requiring various levels of description, individual organisms constitute the core of this multifarious phenomenology. Thereafter, our discussion focuses on the nature of the organization of individual living entities, (...)
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  4. Plurality of Explanatory Strategies in Biology: Mechanisms and Networks.Alvaro Moreno & Javier Suárez - 2020 - In Alvaro Moreno & Javier Suárez, Methodological Prospects for Scientific Research. pp. 141-165.
    Recent research in philosophy of science has shown that scientists rely on a plurality of strategies to develop successful explanations of different types of phenomena. In the case of biology, most of these strategies go far beyond the traditional and reductionistic models of scientific explanation that have proven so successful in the fundamental sciences. Concretely, in the last two decades, philosophers of science have discovered the existence of at least two different types of scientific explanation at work in the biological (...)
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  5. Diachronic or Counterfactual? Temporal Well-Being and Changing Attitudes.Marina Moreno - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.
    In his paper “Wellbeing and Changing Attitudes Across Time”, Krister Bykvist investigates the challenge that changing attitudes pose for attitude-sensitive theories of well-being in determining temporal wellbeing. He offers both a useful tool to investigate the conceptual space of possible answers, namely an attitudinal matrix, as well as a seemingly plausible constraint on such an answer, which he terms ‘diagonalism’. This paper draws on his matrix to provide an argument against diagonalism and offer an error theory regarding its intuitive force. (...)
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  6. Ethics by committee: The moral authority of consensus.Jonathan D. Moreno - 1988 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 13 (4):411-432.
    Consensus is commonly identified as the goal of ethics committee deliberation, but it is not clear what is morally authoritative about consensus. Various problems with the concept of an ethics committee in a health care institution are identified. The problem of consensus is placed in the context of the debate about realism in moral epistemology, and this is shown to be of interest for ethics committees. But further difficulties, such as the fact that consensus at one level of discourse need (...)
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    Transgressive Acts: Michel Foucault's Lessons on Resistance for Nurses.Cristina Moreno-Mulet, Joaquín Valdivielso-Navarro, Margalida Miró-Bonet, Alba Carrero-Planells & Denise Gastaldo - 2025 - Nursing Philosophy 26 (1):e70008.
    In this paper, we bring together Foucault's biography and oeuvre to explore key concepts that support the analysis of nurses' acts of resistance. Foucault reflected on the power relations taking place in health services, making his contribution especially useful for the analysis of resistance in this context. Over three decades, he proposed a nonnormative philosophy while concomitantly engaging in transgressive practices guided by values such as human rights and social justice. Hence, Foucault's philosophy and public activism are an apparent contradiction, (...)
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  8. The Veil of Ignorance Violates Priority.Juan D. Moreno-Ternero - 2008 - Economics and Philosophy 24 (2):233-257.
    The veil of ignorance has been used often as a tool for recommending what justice requires with respect to the distribution of wealth. We complete Harsanyi's model of the veil of ignorance by appending information permitting objective comparisons among persons. In order to do so, we introduce the concept of objective empathy. We show that the veil-of-ignorance conception of John Harsanyi, so completed, and Ronald Dworkin's, when modelled formally, recommend wealth allocations in conflict with the prominently espoused view that priority (...)
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    Some Reflections on the Evolution of Conscious Agents: The Relevance of body Plans.Alvaro Moreno - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (1):35-43.
    The aim of this commentary article is to discuss several problems in the distribution map for conscious organisms and suggest a different strategy to address their evolutionary development. I propose to complement the model of Unlimited Associative Learning (UAL) that Jablonka and Ginsburg present in their Target Article with the additional consideration of how body plans constrain the possibilities of evolution of the brain— in some cases blocking, in some others enabling its complexification and corporal integration. In my view, the (...)
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    A lonely road: collective reflections on political solitude.Camilla Emmenegger, Gaia Gondino & Moreno Stambazzi (eds.) - 2019 - Torino: Accademia University Press.
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    Pascha passio - Pascha transitus. En torno a la cristología pascual en la Iglesia hispánica.José Miguel Núñez Moreno - 2024 - Isidorianum 5 (10):125-164.
    Las distintas tradiciones sobre la celebración de la Pascua en las primeras comunidades cristianas se fundamentan en las diferentes escuelas teológicas de la Iglesia Primitiva y se concretan principalmente en dos formas diferentes, aquí identificadas como Pascha = Passio y Pascha = Transitus zoith sus propias y diferentes implicaciones cristológicas características. A partir del estudio pormenorizado de fuentes hispánicas de los siglos IV al VI, patrísticas, conciliares y litúrgicas, el autor localiza un filón en la tradición de las iglesias de (...)
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    Socialismo, propiedad y demos. La dictadura del proletariado en Étienne Balibar y Antoni Domènech.Jesús Ángel Ruiz Moreno - 2023 - Isegoría 68:e05.
    Este artículo analiza la dictadura del proletariado desde las revisiones en la coyuntura político-filosófica de los años setenta, marcada por la emergencia de la crisis del marxismo y la revisión antiestalinista de los principales conceptos bolcheviques, hasta la actualidad. Para ello, contrastamos las obras de Antoni Domènech y Étienne Balibar y sus tradiciones filosóficas respectivas destacando sus encuentros y problemas comunes. Por otro lado, hemos decidido acometer la dictadura del proletariado a partir de tres oposiciones: clase contra clase/alianza de clases, (...)
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    Pascha = Passio en el "Tractatus IX" de Gregorio de Elvira. Rasgos de una Cristología pascual en la Iglesia bética del siglo IV.José Miguel Núñez Moreno - 2024 - Isidorianum 3 (6):7-31.
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    Progress Ideal and its Implication in a Cosmopolitan Education from the Kantian Thought.Jefferson Moreno, Pablo Andrés Heredia Guzmán & Floralba del Rocío Aguilar-Gordón - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 20:311-334.
    The present work includes a discussion about the Kantian ideal of progress and its repercussions in the construction of a cosmopolitan education, by virtue of weighing its validity and the challenges it faces in contemporary times. The manuscript analyzes the Kantian postulates about progress to clarify the guidelines of a cosmopolitan education. The document is structured thanks to the bibliographic study and the consequent systematic review of an exploratory type and the help of the hermeneutical method. The approach to the (...)
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    Mapping Bioethics in Latin America: History, Theoretical Models, and Scientific Output.Lucas F. Garcia, Marcia S. Fernandes, Jonathan D. Moreno & Jose R. Goldim - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (3):323-331.
    Objective: To present a narrative review of the history of bioethics in Latin America and of scientific output in this interdisciplinary field. Methods: This was a mixed-methods study. Results: A total of 1458 records were retrieved, of which 1167 met the inclusion criteria. According to the Web of Science classification, the predominant topics of study were medical ethics, social sciences and medicine, and environmental and public health topics. Four themes of bioethics output in the Latin American literature have emerged: issues (...)
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    Entre la “actualidad”, la filosofía “venidera” y el “origen”: ribetes críticos en las filosofías de Walter Benjamin y Theodor Adorno.María Rita Moreno - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 64:307-335.
    In this article I analyze the connection between the concepts of “actuality”, “upcoming” and “origin” found in the early reflections of Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno to expose some of the defining borders of the transposition of criticisms made by both philosophers. Through the identification of “actuality” as a reflection on the conditions in which philosophy is legitimate, “upcoming” as a requisite for self-justification of philosophical knowledge, and “origin” as the claim of the historically unfinished, I show in what (...)
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    What Means This Consensus? Ethics Committees and Philosophic Tradition.Jonathan D. Moreno - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (1):38-43.
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    On the Evolutionary Development of Biological Organization from Complex Prebiotic Chemistry.Kepa Ruiz-Mirazo & Alvaro Moreno - 2023 - In Matteo Mossio, Organization in Biology. Springer. pp. 187-218.
    In this chapter we offer a critical analysis of organizational models about the process of origins of life and, thereby, a reflection about life itself (understood in a general, minimal sense). We begin by demarcating the idea of organization as an explanatory construct, linking it to the complex relationships and transformations that the material parts of (proto-)biological systems establish to maintain themselves under non-equilibrium dynamic conditions. The diverse ways in which this basic idea has been applied within the prebiotic field (...)
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    Historical Approach and Scale Reconstruction of Two Medieval Mechanisms from “The Book of Secrets”.G. Medina-Sánchez, J. Moreno-Buesa, R. Dorado-Vicente & R. López-García - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (1):105-124.
    Abstract“The Book of Secrets in the Results of Ideas”, usually called “The Book of Secrets” is a codex containing drawings and descriptions of thirty-one artifacts attributed to the engineer Alī Ibn Khalaf al-Murādī, who lived in Andalusia in southern Spain at the beginning of the 11th century. This manuscript is one of the first written testimonies that describe medieval mechanisms with complex precision. The aim of this work is to reconstruct and study from a historical and technological point of view (...)
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    En qué medida es práctico el pensamiento (fragmento).George Santayana & Daniel Moreno Moreno - 2023 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 113:79-86.
    El fragmento, inédito en español, pertenece al capítulo IX de La razón en el sentido común, libro primero de La vida de la razón, 5 vols. (1905-1906) del filósofo hispano-norteamericano Jorge/George Santayana (Madrid, 1862-Roma, 1953). Santayana aborda aquí la relación entre mente y cerebro desde un naturalismo materialista, que ha asumido por completo la revolución intelectual darwinista, y mostrando ser un fino analista de la experiencia de la acción consciente.
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    La Parábola de las minas (Lc 19,11-28): Confianza, responsabilidad y misión.Isaac Moreno Sanz - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (2):137-172.
    La parábola de las minas (Lc 19,11-28), situada estratégicamente al final del camino a Jerusalén, es una perícopa de difícil interpretación. Por una parte, incorpora la parábola del pretendiente al trono en el relato de las minas/talentos, por otra, muestra la violencia de las duras palabras del rey. El presente artículo propone una nueva aproximación desde la pragmalingüística, analizando el contexto literario, la cohesión lingüística y la coherencia comunicativa. Así se evidencia la estrategia comunicativa lucana que propone la confianza, la (...)
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    Posicionamiento valorativo multimodal en afiches académicos de estudiantes de Biología: consideraciones para una literacidad en ciencias.Carmen Luz Maturana, Marco Marchant Moreno & Daniela Schaale Garay - 2023 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 33 (2).
    El artículo explora las posiciones discursivas valorativas multimodales, es decir, que integran el modo verbal y el de la imagen por medio de ensambles, en un corpus conformado por ocho pósteres académicos del curso Biología Celular de una universidad estatal chilena, realizados por estudiantes de primer año entre 2016 y 2019. De cada cohorte, se seleccionaron los dos afiches que obtuvieron la calificación más alta. El objetivo es identificar, a través del marco conceptual de la Lingüística Sistémico Funcional (LSF) (Halliday, (...)
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    Love as a Commitment Device.Marta Kowal, Adam Bode, Karolina Koszałkowska, S. Craig Roberts, Biljana Gjoneska, David Frederick, Anna Studzinska, Dmitrii Dubrov, Dmitry Grigoryev, Toivo Aavik, Pavol Prokop, Caterina Grano, Hakan Çetinkaya, Derya Atamtürk Duyar, Roberto Baiocco, Carlota Batres, Yakhlef Belkacem, Merve Boğa, Nana Burduli, Ali R. Can, Razieh Chegeni, William J. Chopik, Yahya Don, Seda Dural, Izzet Duyar, Edgardo Etchezahar, Feten Fekih-Romdhane, Tomasz Frackowiak, Felipe E. García, Talia Gomez Yepes, Farida Guemaz, Brahim B. Hamdaoui, Mehmet Koyuncu, Miguel Landa-Blanco, Samuel Lins, Tiago Marot, Marlon Mayorga-Lascano, Moises Mebarak, Mara Morelli, Izuchukwu L. G. Ndukaihe, Mohd Sofian Omar Fauzee, Ma Criselda Tengco Pacquing, Miriam Parise, Farid Pazhoohi, Ekaterine Pirtskhalava, Koen Ponnet, Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Marc Eric Santos Reyes, Ayşegül Şahin, Fatima Zahra Sahli, Oksana Senyk, Ognen Spasovski, Singha Tulyakul, Joaquín Ungaretti, Mona Vintila, Tatiana Volkodav, Anna Wlodarczyk & Gyesook Yoo - 2024 - Human Nature 35 (4):430-450.
    Given the ubiquitous nature of love, numerous theories have been proposed to explain its existence. One such theory refers to love as a commitment device, suggesting that romantic love evolved to foster commitment between partners and enhance their reproductive success. In the present study, we investigated this hypothesis using a large-scale sample of 86,310 individual responses collected across 90 countries. If romantic love is universally perceived as a force that fosters commitment between long-term partners, we expected that individuals likely to (...)
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    Multisource Assessment for Development Purposes: Revisiting the Methodology of Data Analysis.Joan Manuel Batista-Foguet, Willem Saris, Richard E. Boyatzis, Ricard Serlavós & Ferran Velasco Moreno - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  25. Revista La Cicuta: antologías de textos y articulos (2013-2019).Francisco Calderón Ossa, Anna Garlatti-Venturini Osorio, Mariana Jiménez Arango, Moreno Giraldo & Javier David (eds.) - 2020 - Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes.
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  26. Nieburg Phillip.F. Childress James, R. Faden Ruth, D. Gaare Ruth, O. Gostin Lawrence, Bonnie Richard J. Kahn Jeffrey, E. Kass Nancy, C. Mastroianni Anna & D. Moreno Jonathan - 2002 - Public Health Ethics: Mapping the Terrain. J Law Med Ethics 30 (2):170-178.
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    Wired for Autonomy.Antonio Casado da Rocha & Alvaro Moreno Bergareche - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (5):23-25.
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    Determinações históricas e epistemológicas mediante relações contraditórias dos PNPG.Kátia Oliver de Sá, Moisés Henrique Alves & Ivson Conceição Silva - 2014 - Filosofia E Educação 6 (2):16-46.
    Este trabalho identifica a realidade da produção do conhecimento stricto sensu em Educação Física de professores que trabalham em cursos de formação no estado da Bahia – 1982 a 2012 –, em vista as determinações históricas e epistemológicas. É parte da pesquisa em rede EPISTEFNORDESTE. Fonte de dados/informações: 142 produções stricto sensu e 5 PNPG. A metodologia tem base dialética. Resultados apontam que os PNPG, alicerçados na lógica do modo de produção capitalista, geram produções que encerram limites lógicos que são (...)
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    A lógica na construção de perguntas de investigação na produção do conhecimento Stricto Sensu.Jaildo Vilas Bôas Junior, Kátia Oliver de Sá & Moisés Henrique Zeferino Alves - 2021 - Filosofia E Educação 13 (1):2056-2081.
    Objetivamos elaborar um balanço sobre lógica das perguntas científicas na produção do conhecimento stricto sensu. Tomamos como fontes 100 dissertações e 32 teses escritas por docentes que trabalham em cursos de Educação Física no Estado da Bahia – 1982 a 2018, abordando enquanto objeto a lógica instituída pelas perguntas científicas na referida produção. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, tendo como método o materialismo histórico e dialético. Os resultados apontam que 48% das produções têm suas perguntas de investigação construída a partir (...)
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    An Experiment on Rational Insurance Decisions.Richard Watt, Francisco J. Vázquez & Ignacio Moreno - 2001 - Theory and Decision 51 (2/4):247-296.
    We describe the results of an experiment on decision making in an insurance context. The experiment was designed to test for the underlying rationality of insurance consumers, where rationality is understood in usual economic terms. In particular, using expected utility as the preference function, we test for positive marginal utility, risk aversion, and decreasing absolute risk aversion, all of which are normal postulates for any microeconomic decision context under uncertainty or risk. We find that there the discrepancy from rational decision (...)
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    Desgarramiento subjetivo y objetivo en las filosofías de Theodor W. Adorno y Walter Benjamin. Una tangente analítica de la modernidad.María Rita Moreno - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 72 (182).
    Este trabajo muestra una concurrencia patente en la resonancia de las categorías ‘industria cultural’ [Kulturindustrie] –empleada por Theodor Adorno para indicar ciertas zonas de la dialéctica subjetiva– e ‘industria de recreo’ [Vergnügungsindustrie] –referida por Walter Benjamin en relación a la dialéctica objetiva–. Me detengo en esta poco explorada concomitancia para determinar por qué Adorno evidencia una dialéctica de la subjetividad administrada en la renuncia sacrificial y Benjamin elabora una dialéctica de la objetividad fetichizada signada por su carácter de fantasmagoría cadavérica. (...)
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  32. Efficacy of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing in Children and Adolescent with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.Ana Moreno-Alcázar, Devi Treen, Alicia Valiente-Gómez, Albert Sio-Eroles, Víctor Pérez, Benedikt L. Amann & Joaquim Radua - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Hegel frente a los clásicos : aproximaciones de Alexandre Kojève y Leo Strauss.David Moreno Guinea - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (148):31.
    En este artículo se examina la relación entre el pensamiento de Hegel y el de los clásicos griegos, especialmente Aristóteles, a la luz de los comentarios de Alexandre Kojève y Leo Strauss. Se advierten las dificultades de demostrar tanto la continuidad como la ruptura de Hegel con los clásicos, así como la necesidad de profundizar la investigación acerca de qué entendían estos por conceptos como el ser, lo divino, la eternidad, lo eterno y lo trascendente. Aunque entre Hegel y los (...)
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    “El Trabajo Libera”… ¿de Qué? Dos Reflexiones a Propósito de Bauman.Sara Martínez Mares & Juan Eduardo Santón Moreno - 2019 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 17:25-53.
    El objetivo principal es propiciar la reflexión acerca de las premisas sobre las que se asienta nuestra asimilada centralización del “trabajo” en nuestras vidas. El trabajo a menudo transcurre por encima de otros aspectos también significativos. La reflexión será guiada, entre otros, a través de la estimulante lectura de la obra de Bauman Trabajo, consumismo y nuevos pobres. Los ejes de reflexión son dos. En primer lugar, comparar históricamente la perspectiva sobre la concepción del trabajador industrial con la perspectiva sobre (...)
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    Public Health hält Einzug in ein neues Gesundheitsdatennutzungsgesetz (GDNG).Anna Moreno - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (1):91-99.
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  36. On Incommensurability: Presentation.Luis Fernández Moreno - 1997 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 12 (3):421-423.
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    Don't Say Goodbye.J. D. Moreno - 2002 - Hastings Center Report 32 (2):5.
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    Perspective: "Of Uncertain Viability": The New Federal Rules for Fetal and Neonatal Research.Jonathan D. Moreno - 2002 - Hastings Center Report 32 (5):47.
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    Discontinuidad y dispositivo.Manuel Eduardo Moreno García - 2023 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 44 (129).
    El presente artículo reconoce que las dos grandes metodologías de Foucault (la arqueología y la genealogía) surgieron en dos momentos diferentes de su enfoque metodológico, y argumenta que a partir de la década del setenta se desarrolla el concepto de dispositivo en el filósofo debido a una discontinuidad en su investigación. Se sostiene que este problema surgió a raíz de una serie de situaciones: el descubrimiento de un nuevo problema de investigación y su relación con la ocurrencia de una coyuntura (...)
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    El debate académico sobre nación y nacionalismo desde los orígenes hasta la consolidación del predominio anglosajón.Raúl Moreno Almendral - 2015 - Arbor 191 (775):a272.
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  41. Essay.Alvaro Moreno - unknown
    We attempt to distinguish, in a biological frame, ontogenetical adaptation from learning. Ontogenetical adaptation arises as a second order (sensorimotor) loop on the ground of the operational closure that provides autonomy and reproductive identity to the living system. Adaptation ensures, through perception, the functional correlation between metabolicmotor states and the states of the environment. Learning brings about a qualitative change in regard to adaptation, the most generic and simple form of optimization at an individual scale. It implies the idea of (...)
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    El uso de los recursos públicos por parte de las mujeres candidatas en el Ecuador.Mónica Estefanía Bolaños Moreno - 2023 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 43:101-119.
    El presente trabajo investigativo hace referencia al papel central que ejercen las mujeres en la sociedad; y en particular, se abordará a la mujer candidata. En este contexto, hay que señalar que el Ecuador como cualquier otro país tiene su propia forma de gobernar, derivada de su historia política, económica y cultural. Este trabajo principalmente hace una prospección bibliográfica que da cuenta de las tendencias, fortalezas y desafíos que enfrentan las mujeres candidatas; y, el papel del dinero como elemento clave (...)
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    On Unsuperstable Theories in Gdst.Miguel Moreno - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (4):1720-1746.
    We study the $\kappa $ -Borel-reducibility of isomorphism relations of complete first-order theories by using coloured trees. Under some cardinality assumptions, we show the following: For all theories T and T’, if T is classifiable and T’ is unsuperstable, then the isomorphism of models of T’ is strictly above the isomorphism of models of T with respect to $\kappa $ -Borel-reducibility.
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  44. Permiso parental: cuantía de la indemnización en caso de despido durante dicho permiso (STJCE de 22 de octubre de 2009).José Luis Martín Moreno - 2009 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:142 - 156.
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    El mito tecnológico. Una lectura a propósito de la crítica de Franz Hinkelammert al neoliberalismo.Jaime Alexander Moreno Gómez - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 44 (128).
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo, plantear el concepto de la tecnología como mito, y por lo tanto como un espacio mítico, lugar de enunciación desde donde el ser humano establece la comprensión que tiene de la realidad que le corresponde vivir, y así, plantea su actuar sobre ella. Para ello se presenta brevemente y a manera de barrunto una introducción de un análisis de la coyuntura vivida con la pandemia del Covid-19, que servirá para contextualizar la urgencia de reflexionar sobre (...)
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    On project based learning approach and future foreign language teachers.Mª Isabel Velasco Moreno - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (1):1-8.
    Although learning English as a Foreign Language is needed all over the world nowadays, it is still difficult for some Spanish students to learn it. Considering that teacher’s decisions on the use of methodologies is essential in class, we look at future teachers.In this study we focus on future teachers’ training as a key element to match theory and practice and bring to Foreign Language (FL) classes innovative approaches such as Project Based Learning (PBL). A recent experienced (2021-22) in the (...)
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    Setting Limits for the Principle of Equal Entitlement to Continued Life.Juan D. Moreno-Ternero & Lars Peter Østerdal - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-10.
    The normative principle that every individual is equally entitled to continued life is a subject of debate in ethics, health economics and policy. We reconsider this principle in the context of setting priorities for healthcare interventions. When applied without restriction, the principle overlooks quality of life concerns entirely. However, we contend that it remains ethically relevant in certain situations, particularly when patients suffer from conditions unrelated to the therapeutic areas and treatments under consideration. Thus, we defend the principle while also (...)
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    Vacuna del virus del papiloma humano: valoración bioética de la discriminación por sexo.Araceli Moreno-Navas, Irene Gómez-Luque & Julio Tudela - 2022 - Persona y Bioética 26 (2):e2622.
    La infección por el virus del papiloma humano (VPH) constituye la causa necesaria, aunque no suficiente, de la enfermedad de transmisión sexual más frecuente en el mundo, responsable del 4,5 % de todos los cánceres en ambos sexos. La vacunación frente al VPH, con niveles de eficacia y seguridad similares en ambos sexos, está dirigida básicamente a mujeres, para reducir la incidencia de infección y sus consecuencias, como el cáncer de cérvix. La transmisibilidad del virus en ambos sexos y la (...)
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    The Woman and Her Obscure Versions.Celenis Rodríguez Moreno & Alejandro Montelongo González - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (3):566-581.
    The objective of this article is to analyze the production of the subject Woman by reviewing some practices, discourses, and technologies promoted by the state, the church, and elites. It is important to emphasize that in most research about women or femininity, female subjectivity appears tightly linked to sexual difference. However, in this work I want to show that the notion of Woman is co-determined by race and class. The experience characteristic of such representation was possible only for a small (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Wittgenstein e os valores.Ar Moreno - forthcoming - A Natureza Humana. Revista da Puc/Sp, Campinas.
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